The world of fruit and veg turns out to be very topsy-turvy!
We’re cooking fruit into our dinners and putting veggies in our puddings!
Here are ten questions to test your knowledge of all things fruit and..or vegetable.
The Tomato

Tomatoes are technically a fruit, but it doesn't stop us all from treating it as a vegetable.

You probably don't think of olives as a fruit, but that's exactly what they are. Specifically, they're considered a stone fruit, like peaches, mangoes, and dates.

Surprising to most - rhubarb is in fact, a perennial vegetable! Who knew!?

You might be surprised to learn that the Avocado is actually a fruit. To be precise, it's a single-seeded, oversized berry.
Green Beans

That's right, the green bean is really a fruit in disguise. Fruits are structures that contain seeds, and the green bean is a pod with seeds inside!

Every kind of pepper, from the bell pepper to the jalapeƱo, fits the bill as a fruit and not a vegetable.

Yes the celery is a vegetable, no surprises there!

Cucumbers are an unexpected member of the gourd family. So...technically speaking - the cucumber is actually a fruit.
Sweet Potato

That one might have made you think for a second! Dont panic - the sweet potato is indeed a vegetable

No way? Yes way! The peas themselves are the seeds - and the pea pod is a fruit!