A dried plum is properly known as a .....?

Plums are extremely nutritious, with a variety of health benefits to offer. They contain many vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber and antioxidants that may help reduce your risk of several chronic diseases.
Which continent did the potato originally come from?

The potato was first cultivated in South America around 3000-7000 years ago, and it had probably grown wild there for many thousands of years more.
Until 400 years ago, European carrots were NOT orange, they were...

Carrots have actually been all kinds of colours through history including purple, black, red and yellow - but European carrots were originally white!
Breakfast cereals were first invented in 1863, but weren't popular becuase...?

The first cereal was made of bran nuggets - and they were so tough they had to be soaked overnight to make them soft enough to eat.
Roquefort, Feta and Manchego are all cheeses - but which animal do they come from?

There are cheeses made from all sorts of animals - including Sheep, Goat, Moose, Reindeer, Donkeys, Alpaca, Horses and even Camels!
If you put a rotten egg in a bowl of milk it will...

If you egg floats, it's definitely off and should NOT be eaten!
What is Tofu made from?

Tofu is made from soybean curds. It contains no cholesterol and is an excellent source of iron and calcium.
What are the three main ingredients that go in a BLT sandwich?

The BLT became popular after World War II when supermarkets began to pop up around the country - which allowed ingredients to be available year-round.
Which chocolate bar was named after a horse?

Frank Mars' company created the Snickers bar in 1930 - and was named after his favourite family animal. Until 1990, the Snickers bar was actually called a 'Marathon' in the UK.
Which of these foods typically contains the most protein?

Here are 20 other delicious foods that are high in protein. Eggs, Almonds, Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, Milk and Broccoli.