New ordering site coming soon!

We are currently having a new online order system being built which hopefully be ready for all parents to use as of September 2020.

As soon as it is live, we will post the instructions here.

To see how our current ordering system works, please see below.

Ordering online with

Parents are able to sign up to a new account by following the instructions here. Once the account has been authorised by our staff at head office, you will be sent an email and access to our menu’s for the term will be available for you to order from.

How To order:

Select the week you wish to order for, this will bring up the five days for that week, each day has a drop down menu. To select an option, click on the drop down box and choose from the delicious options for that day.

Our cut off for ordering for the following week is Monday at midnight. After this point the menus are no longer live on our website. Every Tuesday we run a report that pulls off all of your orders and collates them into schools and kitchens. We check each report with a fine tooth comb to ensure there are no glitches.

Once the report has been checked and re checked we send the numbers off to the kitchens, suppliers and the schools.

Our kitchens then work to order the correct amount of food and adjust any meals for those children with allergies.

When it comes to creating the meals ordered, the kitchen work tirelessly prepping the fresh vegetables the day before cook day. Most of our meals are hand made from fresh ingredients; we do not use processed sauces.

The food is cooked and boxed into heat proof containers then sent to the schools in a hot box which keeps the meals hot until service point.

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